Front Cover Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Front Cover Sub-Assembly (#71071-89351-J3), a critical component in the Seat & Seat Track system of Toyota vehicles, contributes to the safety and comfort of the vehicle. Its primary role is to shield the seat track mechanism, preventing dust and debris from interfering with the operation of the seat adjustment system. Inevitably, over time, this part can become damaged, or excessively dirty, and may require replacement to maintain the integrity of the Seat & Seat Track system. If the Front Cover Sub-Assembly (#71071-89351-J3) becomes dysfunctional, it could hinder the smooth operation of the seat adjustment, compromising the comfort and safety of the driver. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Front Cover Sub-Assembly (#71071-89351-J3), are ideal for vehicle compatibility and they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Through its protective role, the Front Cover Sub-Assembly (#71071-89351-J3) enhances the overall durability of the Seat & Seat Track system in Toyota vehicles.